As the leaves change color and the aroma of roasted turkey fills the air, families across the United States eagerly prepare for the beloved Thanksgiving feast. For many, this holiday is a time of gratitude, togetherness, and indulging in a delicious array of traditional dishes. However, for families with picky eaters, navigating the Thanksgiving table can be a challenging experience.

In this blog post, we’ll share some insights and strategies to make Thanksgiving a more enjoyable and stress-free experience for both parents and picky eaters.

Understanding Picky Eating: Picky eating is a common behavior among children and even some adults. It can be attributed to a variety of factors, including sensory sensitivities, fear of new foods, or a limited tolerance for certain textures. Recognizing that picky eaters may have genuine challenges with food can help foster empathy and patience during holiday gatherings.


Tips for a Picky Eater-Friendly Thanksgiving:

  1. Involve Picky Eaters in Meal Preparation

 Encourage picky eaters to participate in the preparation of Thanksgiving dishes. When children are involved in the cooking process, they may be more inclined to try the foods they helped create.

  1. Create a Safe Eating Environment 

Set up a comfortable and low-stress eating environment. Ensure there are familiar and preferred foods available, and avoid pressuring picky eaters to try everything on their plate.

  1. Offer a Variety of Options 

Thanksgiving is a feast with a wide range of dishes. Provide an assortment of foods, including those that picky eaters are more likely to enjoy. Having options can reduce anxiety and make the meal more enjoyable.

  1. Use Fun Presentation 

Get creative with the presentation of Thanksgiving dishes. Turning vegetables into fun shapes or arranging foods in a visually appealing manner can capture the attention of picky eaters and make the experience more engaging.

  1. Encourage Exploration Without Pressure 

Foster a positive atmosphere by encouraging picky eaters to explore new foods without pressuring them to eat. Offer praise for small steps and be patient as they gradually become more comfortable with diverse flavors and textures.

  1. Establish a Routine

Stick to a routine during Thanksgiving mealtime. Consistency can provide a sense of security for picky eaters and make them more willing to try new foods.

  1. Be Mindful of Sensory Preferences 

Take into account sensory preferences and aversions when planning the Thanksgiving menu. If a picky eater is sensitive to certain textures, try to incorporate alternatives that are more appealing.

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate and share gratitude, and this includes creating a positive experience for picky eaters at the dinner table. By understanding their unique challenges and implementing these feeding therapist-approved strategies, families can turn Thanksgiving into a joyful and inclusive celebration for everyone. Remember, it’s not just about the food; it’s about creating lasting memories and fostering a positive relationship with meals.

If you have a child with a restrictive food repertoire, the feeding specialists at Creative Speech Solutions, LLC can help. Contact us to set up a comprehensive feeding evaluation for your child.